History Of The Flagstaff Cruisers
The Flagstaff Cruisers is a Flagstaff, Arizona based Auto Club. We are a non-profit organization, established on December 1, 1982. It was started primarily by 2 local, Flagstaff people, Gary Gammons and Dennis Lanham. They organized the club to have fun together, and cruise their vehicles with enjoyment, and to share their interests together. One of our main attractions and delights is the fact that we get to cruise the Mother Road, part of the original Rt 66 that runs through the middle of Flagstaff. The Flagstaff Cruisers were able to acquire a 2 mile stretch of Highway 180 north of Flagstaff, between mile posts 225 and 227, as a highway clean up project. The highway is cleaned up on an average of 2 times a year. We get our recognition with 2 highway signs, one at each end of the clean up route.
Our membership ranges from 30 and 50 proud and dedicated members each year.
Membership in the Flagstaff Cruisers does not require a vehicle, only an interest in automobiles. The club features quality show cars, weekend and daily cruisers, race cars, under construction / project cars and motorcycles. We have members with cars, trucks, and motorcycles. We encourage all ages to join the club with old classic cars to modern import cars.
The club is involved with charity work such as the Head Start program as well as donations to the Food Bank and a needy family during Christmas.
We attend several car shows, 2 local Parades, Cruises near and far ( from Williams, Az to Moab, Utah to Blythe, Ca. ), and promote 2 Drag Races each year, in April and October. ( The Northern Arizona Shootout Drag Race at Speedworld Dragstrip in Phoenix, Az.). We also have a Cruise Nite for the club.
Our monthly meetings are located at the Club House at Jim Walker's house on the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. All new comers are welcome.
The Flagstaff Cruisers is a Flagstaff, Arizona based Auto Club. We are a non-profit organization, established on December 1, 1982. It was started primarily by 2 local, Flagstaff people, Gary Gammons and Dennis Lanham. They organized the club to have fun together, and cruise their vehicles with enjoyment, and to share their interests together. One of our main attractions and delights is the fact that we get to cruise the Mother Road, part of the original Rt 66 that runs through the middle of Flagstaff. The Flagstaff Cruisers were able to acquire a 2 mile stretch of Highway 180 north of Flagstaff, between mile posts 225 and 227, as a highway clean up project. The highway is cleaned up on an average of 2 times a year. We get our recognition with 2 highway signs, one at each end of the clean up route.
Our membership ranges from 30 and 50 proud and dedicated members each year.
Membership in the Flagstaff Cruisers does not require a vehicle, only an interest in automobiles. The club features quality show cars, weekend and daily cruisers, race cars, under construction / project cars and motorcycles. We have members with cars, trucks, and motorcycles. We encourage all ages to join the club with old classic cars to modern import cars.
The club is involved with charity work such as the Head Start program as well as donations to the Food Bank and a needy family during Christmas.
We attend several car shows, 2 local Parades, Cruises near and far ( from Williams, Az to Moab, Utah to Blythe, Ca. ), and promote 2 Drag Races each year, in April and October. ( The Northern Arizona Shootout Drag Race at Speedworld Dragstrip in Phoenix, Az.). We also have a Cruise Nite for the club.
Our monthly meetings are located at the Club House at Jim Walker's house on the second Sunday of each month at 2 p.m. All new comers are welcome.